The writings here are devoted to the two Scripture themes of the message God has placed upon my life:
“That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death that I may attain to the resurrection of Christ. . . . I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:10, 14).
“And He gave some to be apostles, and some to be prophets, and some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry to build up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith, unto a mature man, to the measure of the stature that belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-13).
God has called me, in the words of one of my mentors, to be an “apostle of the Higher Life,” to call people to the highest life in Christ. God is always bidding us to “Come Up Higher,” the theme of my most recent book. Related to this, He has also called me to equip believers and the church to be all that we can be in Christ—to reach our fullest potential, both individually and corporately.
This blog is for those who, in the words of A.W. Tozer, are “in pursuit of God.” Or in the words of C.S. Lewis, “Come further up and further in!” In The King’s Round Table I will share classic quotes from men and women of God throughout church history and fresh insights about:
- being seated in the heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 2:6), what early Higher Life writers like A.B. Simpson called “Throne Life,” life at the throne of the King of Kings.
- “life on wings,” as Hannah Whitall Smith wrote about in her classic, The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life.
- nobility, being a “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9-10), a knight at the Round Table of God’s Kingdom. As Puritan Thomas Watson explains: “Our deportment is in heaven; we walk as nobles of that city.” A.B. Simpson challenges us to rise up to think nobly and to experience the life of the throne: “How we should dwell on high, above all low and groveling things, and bear the dignity of princes of heaven. . . . How unworthy to be living a life of discontent, strife and misery.”
- Being equipped as knights, warriors of the Round Table of God’s Kingdom, praying, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Charles Spurgeon understood this truth and challenges us today: “What fully enchants you to remain in a pit when you can sit on a throne? Do not live in the lowlands of bondage now that mountain liberty is conferred upon you. Do not be satisfied any longer with your tiny attainments, but press forward to things more sublime and heavenly. Aspire to a higher, a nobler, a fuller life. Upward to heaven! Nearer to God!”
You will find more in my latest book, Come Up Higher: Rediscovering Throne Life—The Highest Christian Life for the 21st Century.
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