“Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think [in the heavenly places] according to His power at work [Greek—energeo—“energizing”] within us . . .” (Eph 3:20).
Throne power is only obtained through Christ. He alone is our source of energy. It is for that reason Paul directs his praise to Jesus: “Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. . .” It is not some New Age energy within ourselves like chi or prana that we tap into; it is power only from heaven, only from Jesus, only from being in covenant relationship with Him. Only those who are born again from above and have the Holy Spirit, the divine nature, dwelling within them can harness this energy.
And it is not something we do, but something God does in us, lifting above and beyond ourselves. In The Holiest of All, Andrew Murray explains:
“We have Jesus as our Forerunner into God’s presence, with all the power of His death and resurrection-life working in us, and drawing and lifting us with divine energy into the Father’s presence. Yes, Jesus with His divine, His heavenly life, in the power of the throne in which He is seated, has entered into the deepest ground of our being, where Adam, where sin do their work, and there is increasingly carrying out His work of lifting us heavenward into God’s presence, and of making God’s heavenly presence here on earth our portion.”
At the Throne Divine Energy Is Released in Prayer. God’s throne is a place of divine energy. John MacMillan, author of the original classic book The Authority of the Believer, writes about releasing divine energy from the throne of God: “As earnest, humble and continuous supplication is presented before the Throne, the divine energy is released, and flows forth in gracious streams of heavenly loving kindness.” As we pray from our position in Christ on the throne, divine energy flows from us.
It is then, MacMillan declares, we can exercise the “command of faith” based on Jesus’ statement in Mark 11:22-24, exhorting disciples to speak to the mountain: “The question involved is not that of an imposing faith, but that of an all-sufficient Name. . . . As he speaks to the mountain in the name of Christ, he puts his hand on the dynamic force that controls the universe. Heavenly energy is released, and his behest is obeyed.” Again, it is His power, not our power. It is His energy, not ours.
Similarly, F.B. Meyer, a British Baptist Keswick leader from more than a century ago, asserted that to come into contact with God is to encounter a magnetic force that pulls us up to a higher dimension of living. When we touch Jesus, we become magnetized and energized. We operate in the authority of throne influence and people are changed—not by us, but by the presence of Jesus within us. Let us pray as Meyer prayed:
“Oh, let me touch You!
Let me dwell in unbroken contact with You,
that out of You successive tides of Divine energy
may pass out into and through my emptied and eager spirit,
flowing, but never ebbing,
and lifting me into a life of blessed ministry.”
Adapted from Come Up Higher! by Paul L. King, available at www.paulkingministries.com
Tryphena Plasier
Great definition of Divine energy vs new age energy! Will use this knowledge in my teaching of new age healing vs Christian healing!