Higher Life/Alliance Heritage Renewal Network
A worldwide network of people dedicated to fellowshipping together in for renewing, maintaining, and enhancing the original heritage, spirit and vision of the 19th/early 20th century Higher Life Movement, especially of A.B. Simpson and the early Christian & Missionary Alliance to be an “attested copy of the Church of apostolic times. . . . the Church of Pentecost.”
- The higher and deeper life in Christ—as taught and practiced by early Higher Life leaders like A.B. Simpson, Andrew Murray, John MacMillan, A.W. Tozer, Amy Carmichael, E.M. Bounds, Charles Spurgeon, Oswald Chambers, and many more!
- The Fourfold Gospel, the full gospel of Jesus Christ as Savior, Sanctifier/Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Coming King
- Encouraging manifestation of all of the gifts of the Spirit in balance, humility, discernment & maturity, according to A.B. Simpson’s vision: “Why may we not have all the gifts and all the graces of the Apostolic Church blended in one harmonious whole. . . . Why may we not have all the supernatural ministries of the early Church? . . . Why may we not have the ministry of teaching, the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, the faith of primitive Christianity, & even the tongues of Pentecost, without making them subjects of controversy, without judging one another harshly, because each may have all the gifts, & all in such beautiful & blended harmony?”
Ministries and Services of
Higher Life/Alliance Heritage Renewal Network
- Providing a monthly newsletter of insights, support, networking, books, & calendar of seminars, conferences, etc., around the country & internationally, focused on Higher Life/Alliance heritage & renewal. To subscribe to the monthly newsletter, please send an email request to paul@paulkingministries.com.
- Providing conferences, forums, training, & opportunities for fellowship & personal renewal—on moving in the Spirit, whole person healing, Freedom in Christ Truth Encounter, spiritual warfare & deliverance ministry, spiritual discernment, elder & deacon training, women in ministry
- Developing Alliance Healing Centers—in the spirit of the early Higher Life and Alliance Healing Homes—to provided extended prayer for people on a regular basis, to provide a place of incubation—an atmosphere of faith, love, the Word, and soaking prayer conducive to healing.
- Providing a Support Network for mutual encouragement, dialogue, prayer, and counsel for ministers, churches, missionaries & lay people who desire openness to Holy Spirit renewal and encouragement from feeling isolated. Learning from each other, growing together, sharing testimonies & experiences together.
- Developing a Higher Life School of the Spirit and Healing—teaching historic principles of the higher Christian life, latter rain, baptism in the Spirit, healing, faith, the supernatural life, spiritual gifts and manifestations, and spiritual discernment.
- Developing publication of new Higher Life and Alliance-oriented materials (perhaps a new publishing house)—books, CDs, DVDs, manuals, etc., on the Holy Spirit, revival & renewal; healing; women in ministry; Higher Life/Alliance distinctives, history & biography; practical ministry; elder & deacon training, unpublished material by Simpson, MacMillan, Jaffray, & others.
- Developing a Freedom in Christ Fellowship Network—of Higher Life & C&MA people & churches using Neil Anderson’s 7 Steps to Freedom in Christ Truth Encounter approach (rooted in Higher Life/C&MA principles of who we are in Christ & C&MA missionary John MacMillan’s teaching on the authority of the believer).
- Providing Resources for Finding Higher Life and Alliance Renewal Churches
- Providing a forum to dialogue over issues related to Higher Life & Alliance renewal—baptism in the Spirit, women in ministry, introducing churches to ministry in the Spirit, managing manifestations, forms of church government, fivefold ministry, etc., & to develop a Higher Life/Alliance renewal theology and hermeneutic based on balance & openness with discernment.
- Welcoming various streams of renewal in the Higher Life/Alliance spirit of openness and loving acceptance with discernment and balance. This means accepting the insights, blessings, and benefits of each stream which are in harmony with Higher Life/Alliance heritage and mission, but without one stream dominating and without necessarily embracing every facet, teaching, or practice of those streams, and integrating those streams with a distinct Higher Life/Alliance flavor.
- Providing a Support Network for Women in Ministry and enhancing opportunities for women in ministry, as well as educating people in the biblical and historic Higher Life/Alliance basis for women in ministry.
Pursuing renewal of Higher Life & Alliance Heritage in a spirit of love, humility, and servanthood.
If you would like to donate to the establishment of HL/AHRN or any of the proposed projects, you can make a tax-deductible donation to Higher Life/Alliance Heritage Renewal Network, by clicking here:
For more information or to volunteer in some capacity, you can contact Dr. Paul King at paul@paulkingministries.com or 918-510-5213.