Greetings and Happy New Year! As we start this new year, the Lord has put on my heart to rekindle afresh the life of the Spirit and the calling He has put upon my life to press lead others into the higher and deeper life in Christ—to press on for the high calling of God to “Come Up Higher”!
I retired last fall from full-time pastoring, but as there is no such thing as retirement for a minister of the gospel, I like to consider myself as “semi” retired. One of my mentors has told me that I belong not just to one local church, but to the entire body of Christ. As another has said, quoting John Wesley, “the world is my parish.” So now I am a pastor to the church at large and a pastor to pastors.
I am not a techie and I am not up on the latest techniques of mastering ministry via social media, so I may not yet have the finesse and polish to do this flawlessly, but I will be obedient to the Lord to share what He puts on my heart.
So I invite you on this journey to a higher life in Jesus Christ—the Apostle Paul’s desire in Philippians 3:10-14, to know Jesus and to know Him and love Him more intimately, more fully, more deeply, to know the power of His resurrection more intimately, more fully, more deeply, to know what it is to share His sufferings more intimately, more fully, more deeply, in order to life that resurrection life—to live in the heavenly places while are feet are still stuck in the muck on this earth.
I will share posts and videos, on this Facebook page and others—Higher Life Alliance Heritage, Rekindle the Flame & blogs at
I would like to put together Zoom meetings and Bible studies. If you are interested or have ideas of things you would like me to share, please let me know. I invite you to join what A.W. Tozer calls “The Fellowship of the Burning Heart.”—a heart burning for God.
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